

SKU: hnefatafl Category:


Also called Viking’s Chess, or simply Tafl, it originated as early as the 4th century in the Scandinavian region of the world. A two-player game, one team, starting in the middle of the board, is the defenders of the king, the other team, starting on the outer edges of the board, is the attackers. The defenders win if the king can safely navigate to one of the four corners. The attackers win if they can capture the king. All pieces, including the king, may move as many spaces as they wish, however no piece may move diagonally, nor may a piece jump over or pass another piece. Any piece may be captured and removed from the board if it is flanked on opposite sides by two of the opponent’s pieces. The king acts as a member of the defenders and may help capture opponents as the game proceeds. Along with the board, the playing pieces (stones), and rule sheet are included. The game also includes a box for storage. Each one-of-a-kind design is unique, grain patterns and wood types will vary.

Additional information

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 12 × 2 in